Tuesday, July 2, 2013


The other day, I took my  kids out on a walk... in my AND1 ( I thouhght it was Andi, but it's AND 1)  sandals, and as I was walking I started imagining what it would feel like to go on a good run.  A long run.  In the Utah summer sun.  Through a canyon.  Along the mountains.  Up to Bridal Veil.  With my body strong, clean and clear.  The endorphins.   The feeling of accomplishing something difficult.  How I wanted to run, and run and run.  So.  I bought some running shoes.  I strapped Aiden into the bike stroller, I left the other two boys at home with Josh.  And I started to run.  It felt so good.  Plus, quite honestly, I feel pretty cool whenever I'm running and pushing my kids around in the stroller... can I say Rocky.


I am one tough cookie, pushing all of Aiden's 24 lbs, plus the stroller.  So, I kept going.  I kept thinking... how about I run to... envision another quarter of a mile... here.  I'm still alive,... why not go just a little bit further.  Finally, about 2 miles away from home, my body decided to tell me that it had had enough.  In very plain terms it explained that 1.  I had not eaten enough to run this far on a hot, hot day.  2.  I had not run this far in a long, long time.   I wasn't huffing or puffing... my legs didn't feel great, but they weren't killing me... there just wasn't any energy there.  I remember the last time I felt like this.  I tried running from Bridal Veil in Provo Canyon to my home a few blocks away from BYU.  It was the middle of the summer, in the middle of the day.  It was hot.  We didn't bring enough water or anything for extra energy.... about 1/2 way home, our bodies would just stop.  And we would walk.  Then run for a bit (we had to get home eventually).  Then our bodies would just stop, almost involuntarily.  It felt exactly the same, but this time, I don't know if I had run over 2 miles before my body decided it had had enough.

The next day.  I hurt.  I complained almost every time I had to go up and down the stairs... I must like the attention (negative or positive, I mean who likes to hear someone complain?).  But secretly, deep down, I was kinda excited that my muscles were hurting, because it means I'm working and pushing them and that one day, I'll be stronger and healthier.  Which has been my goal all along.

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