Sunday, September 29, 2013

Intervals AND1 not ANDI

I'll help you do yoga mom... I know it's not me running on the elliptical but....
My toes went numb the last mile when I ran on the elliptical for 5 miles doing intervals.  My favorite part about using the elliptical for a good workout is, I get to do it in my sandals, my AND1 sandals that I thought said ANDI, when I first got them.  I was really sad to find out that the sandals, did not in fact, have my nickname printed on them.  Intervals are good for speed training, and burning more calories and fat.  Your body is like a machine and when you keep a nice steady pace your cells get lazy (it's called cell memory, it's like Homer Simpsons at the controls of the nuclear plant...

 I've done this a million times, I don't need to exert as much energy, I'll just eat donuts and fall asleep), so even though everything is running smoothly, you plateau.    When you mix things up, your body has to work harder to switch gears and keep things flowing.  It's like you're always keeping it on it's guard, ready to do something different and new.  That's true for exercise too, switching up the exercises you do everyday does the same thing.

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