Friday, June 7, 2013


Last night, I made chocolate chip cookies for my kids and for my niece Maurya, who is in the MTC (missionary training center).  She's about to serve a mission for the LDS church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day saints).  Actually, she is going where I went on my mission, New Jersey.  How cool is that?

It was almost torture smelling the cookies bake.  BUT.  I didn't even lick my fingers as I rolled them up into a ball and placed them on the cookie sheet.  I didn't even eat ONE crumb that fell off the cookies when I took them from the cookie sheet.  I did splendidly well for a masochist.

Also, I did my yoga.  Yoga almost always gives me perspective, helps me to breath and relax and let go of the things I don't really have control over.  The only real power I have, the only real control I have in this world, is the power I carry within me.  The power to choose and the power to change myself for the better.

Sometimes I try to be a super woman and get it all done, all at once, according to my desire.... and perfectly... and then, I remember... like yesterday when I was cleaning the bathroom... it isn't perfect, but it's better.  And, I'm okay with that.

Also,  the eliptical was NOT made to be used barefoot... I remember every time I get on and it hurts my bare feet, and then, as soon as I'm off... I forget.  So, the next time I get on the elliptical barefoot, it hurts again. Is that a life lesson?

And, it's really not a good idea to watch the Food Channel... or Diners, Dives and Drives while dieting.  I got hungry... is that Pavlov in effect?

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