Thursday, August 29, 2013

Empowering my inner self

I have come to this belief that what we change on the inside is much more powerful than what we change on the outside.  But, I'm also coming to the belief that it's possible that if our outside does not reflect what we feel about ourselves on the inside, in a positive way, then we struggle emotionally.  I believe that we are happiest when we are healthiest, as a whole... when on the inside we believe that we are beautiful, strong, capable of achieving our dreams and goals, making a positive change in the world we come to accept and love ourselves and others better.  We are all amazing people in all sorts of different ways... and when that inside light is a true reflection of our beliefs on the outside it may be easier to find peace with yourself.  I'm not talking about perfection here.  I'm not saying you should be perfect on the inside and perfect on the outside, I'm saying you should be a true reflection of yourself with all your perfections and imperfections. Inside and Out.  Knowing who you are and who you want to be physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and socially and then working for those goals as a whole, brings satisfaction.  I'm coming to believe that. 


I didn't actually watch all of the video below, but what I did listen to I mostly agreed with.  I understand that it could sound a little zenny/yogaese strange sounding talk (like the video above), but the ideas behind it are pretty powerful.  I think.

This link was one of my favorite videos, but I couldn't find it via the blog to post it here.  One of the most impressive things, I believe, that she says is that although she had worked hard to become thin and healthy she still wasn't happy once she had arrived.  She needed to work on how she felt about herself on the inside just as much as she did on the outside.  I love her ideas of working out using mantras to remind ourselves that we are able to make a change, we are powerful and strong, we are beautiful and intelligent, we can achieve our goals and dreams... seriously, it's awesome.  And then to do that with a group of people, I think could be powerful too.  I always felt a connection to those people I have worked with ie: weight training classes, Cross Country, Track, and Choir.  We have the ability to feed off of one another's positive energy and grow from it.


Also, the reflection of inner and outer self is a personal thing.  I know that some aspects of my body will never be the same because of child birth, that should be celebrated, it shouldn't be something to be ashamed of.  But when I look in the mirror and can see that I'm taking care of myself, because I love myself inside and out... that's what feels good.  I don't have it down pat.  I do have days where I struggle.  I do have doubts and insecurities, but that's okay because I'm working towards something that's healthier.

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